What's the Deal with Dialysis?

Episode 7.2 Lauren: Adapting to a New Rhythm with Peritoneal Dialysis

Maurice Carlisle and Ira McAliley Season 1 Episode 7
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00:00 | 10:40

When faced with a life-altering diagnosis, the strength and resilience of the human spirit are truly tested. Our latest guest's journey through the intricate dance of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) reveals just that—a testament to the power of adaptation and the will to live fully, despite the strings attached to a peritoneal catheter. With a routine punctuated by four manual exchanges of dextrose solution daily, our guest unveils the meticulous care and precision needed to keep their body free from toxins. Their story isn't just about the mechanics of dialysis; it's a narrative woven with the threads of ingenuity and determination, demonstrating how to maintain a semblance of normalcy when your living room turns into a makeshift clinic.

Yet, behind the routine lies a turbulent sea of challenges that our guest navigates with unyielding courage. Transitioning from the control of manual exchanges at the workplace to being anchored to a cycler machine at night, they've confronted the formidable waves of a collapsed lung and the erosion of restful slumber. In an intimate recount of the emotional odyssey from diagnosis to the relentless ticking of the dialysis machine, we gain profound insights into the complexities of interfacing with an overburdened healthcare system and the silent battles fought in the solitude of the night. This episode is not just a glimpse into a life lived in tandem with technology; it's an invitation to understand the human condition through the lens of extraordinary circumstances.

With hosts Maurice Carlisle and Ira McAliley